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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Whom God Chooses" Romans 4:19-25

God looks at the heart of the individual.
God chooses the person not because fo the person, but because of the honor it could bring God.
God uses His calling for our good- to mold us and make us into who we are to be in Christ.
Abraham knew the facts, but God said it was possible.
We have to believe that God can do anything.
God chooses us because He wants to create a work in us.
If your faith hasn't been bomarded by reality, then your faith may not be real.
Everyone has slipped up, even the great men of the Bible, but they were still used by God.
Faith isn't just for those in the Bible, but also for us today.
The same type of faith Abraham had in God is the same type of faith we need to have in God and His plan for us.
Salvation isn't just about living a better life, it's believing in God.
Just because you have doubts and fears, don't stagger at God's promise.

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