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Sunday, October 30, 2011

695 10302011Eve

Your salvation is between you and God.
Salvation: The total work of God in affecting a right relationship between man and Himself.
Total: Complete
    God the Father provided the sacrifice, Jesus, the Lamb of God.
    God the Son worked to keep the law and He kept it perfectly
    God the Holy Ghost draws and convicts sinners.
All the work is of God. There is nothing we can do.
We don't seek after God. God seeks after us. God loves sinners.
    Confession: We agree with God. God says I am a sinner and I can't save myself, so I need a savior.
    Repentance: Turning from sin and turning to God. You can't have the things of the world an dGod. God hears our confession and sees our hearts. Once we repent, God works to draw us back.
    Faith: To place absolute trust in _____. Believing completely in God's work and it's sufficent enough to save our souls. Also, it's trusting Him with everything. The only way to be saved is to trust Him fully.
    Regeneration: The indwelling of the Holy Ghost. The only thing that changed in us is we have the Holy Ghost. We now have a struggle between the flesh and the Holy Ghost. Our flesh loves sin, but the Holy Ghost wants us to live a life for Christ. Eternal life begins at the moment of spiritual rebirth.
    Holy Scripture: How is God's total work revealed to us? Through the teachings of the scriptures. The book was not written as a set of rules, but as a way to free us. We are not living by the rules of religion but by the relationship we have with Christ, and we cannot judge others by the rules of religion. The gospel is our "inspiration" for a better life. Jesus is the Word.
Salvation is not about following a set of rules but about the relationship.
Confession is an ongoing process in our Christian walk.

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