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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

712 12252011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "A Savior" Luke 2:1-20

Unto you = all mankind. He is not just King Of The Jews nor is He a Jewish God. He is the savior of the world.
Savior = deliverer (to set free the captive.
Christ = anointed. The Lord’s anointed. The chosen one. There is no other.
This is the central theme of the occasion of the birth of Jesus and it is still the central theme of the Christmas season. A deliverer has come to save whosoever will call upon Him. He delivers from the penalty of sin, he delivers from the ramifications of sin, the stigma of sin, the power of sin, and eventually the very presence of sin.
All the world is judged by God the Righteous Judge and is found guilty of transgressing His Law by sin. The penalty of being a sinner is eternal separation from God and His Holiness. The only hope for mankind is a Savior. Someone who is not infected with sin and yet is willing to pay the price for all sinners. Someone who will bear the sins of the whole world and will earn the right to eternal life by His own righteousness. Then the Judge can impute the penalty for sin onto this Savior and the Righteousness of this Savior will be imputed onto the sinners if only both parties agree.
Have you agreed? Do you know that you need a Savior? Have you received the free gift of Eternal Life, bought and paid for in full by the blood of Jesus Christ? If not, then unto you is born this day… a Savior which is Christ the Lord.

711 12182011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Joseph's Side of the Story" Matthew 1:18-25

Mary was espoused to Joseph. To be espoused was for all intents and purposes a marriage contract. By the law, Joseph and Mary were already married.
Mary was found with the child of the Holy Ghost.
Joseph was thinking about divorce. Joseph that she was unfaithful.
Joseph was "a just man" which meant he had a right spirit. Joseph had the love of God in Him. Joseph didn't want to make a public example of Mary.
The punishment of Mary being pregnant would have been her being stoned, because in her condition the nation of Israel would have thought she was unfaithful and Joseph didn't want her to be punished. So, he took the blame on himself.
Joseph, out of faith and love, took Mary for his bride and bore the reproach for Mary's condition.
Joseph is an example of Christ. Christ bore our sin on the cross.
Joseph had a vision where an Angel told him not to be afraid of to take Mary as his wife. Joseph was obedient by doing so, and he showed great trust in God. He wanted God's will for his life first.
Jesus-Jehovah saves
The angel told Joseph to keep his commitment.
God wanted to show himself in this situation.
God will reveal himself in difficult times.
Emmanuel: God with us. God incarnated in the flesh with us.
Jesus came to earth so He could be our example, bear our reproach, sin and infirmities.
Jesus also felt the darkness of sin, because when He bore our sin on the cross, he was separated from the Father.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

710 12142011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Don't Touch the Three G's" Joshua 7, Daniel 4:27, & 2 Samuel 11

The Gold:
    Achan had touch the gold. God had told the children of Israel to take nothing from Jericho.
    The gold was consecrated unto the house of the Lord.
    Achan's sin cost the life of 36 men as well as Achan's family and Achan himself.
    Because of Achan's sin, Israel lost the battle of Ai.
The Glory:
    Nebuchadnezzar took the Glory for the kingdom which God had given him.
    Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which Daniel interpreted to mean that his kingdom would be taken from him if he took the glory for himself. 12 months later he declared the glory for himself, and God took the kingdom from him.    Nebuchadnezzar went crazy for 7 years. He lived in the fields eathing grass like the oxen and no man could approach him.
    Stealing the glory will cost you.
The Girls:
    David had wives and concubines, yet he took another man's wife.
    David had Uriah killed and married his wife, Bathsheba after she became pregnant.
    Bathsheba bore David a son. His son became sick and God took the life of their child as judgment for sin.
    Sin cost David his child.
    After David had repented, God restored favor unto David.
    After David repented David and Bathsheba had a son named Solomon, who later became the wisest king of Israel.
Don't touch the Gold, the Glory, or the Girls.
No matter where you've been or what you've done--God allows u-turns.
After all three of the men in these stories repented, favor was restored.

709 12112011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Yours and My Jesus" Romans 2:23-27

As believers we need something different from God.
God wants it to be personal, not ritualistic.

Monday, December 12, 2011

708 12072011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Our Escape" Hebrews 2:1-4

We must strive daily to give the utmost attention to the Gospel. Our inattentiveness will allow the precious gift of God to slip from our countenance. Some may say I used to know the Bible well. Or I used to go on visitation or I used to teach Sunday School or play an instrument or sing or ________. Inattentiveness to the gift of God in our lives may allow that precious gift to slip and we will then be forced to seek another way to find forgiveness, mercy, grace, salvation, direction for living, fellowship with God. Its words are never changing and its judgment is sure and true.
This Great Salvation is great because of its all inclusiveness, its non respecter of persons and its everlasting quality. Jesus fist revealed to us this new covenant and those that were transformed by it are evidence and witnesses to its inspiration.
Even the Father confirmed the words of our Savior with signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost to ratify its authority.
Just neglect or be careless with this great salvation and you will find that all other roads lead away from God. Our Escape is His plan that has been carefully laid out for us in full. Our responsibility is to receive it with the utmost care.

707 12042011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "What is Waiting" John 14:1-3

Joh 14:1  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
Joh 14:2  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Joh 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
A New body
Eternal Life
No more Sorrow
No More Death
Sinless Perfection
Loved ones gone on before
The Glory of God
Don’t you wanna go?

706 11302011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Running Over" Luke 6:37-38

Same measure you measure--our motivation behind our judgment. If we measure a person out of harsh condemnation instead of out of love, we will find harsh condemnation.
The law of sowing and reaping applies. Everything given to us is given to us so that we can be good stewards.
What matters is no necessarily what a person receives but how it's received. If we go into a situation out of love, it'll be received in love.
The way for us to get forgiveness, mercy, and love, we must be able to give forgiveness, mercy, etc. in a right heart.
It's the attitude that makes the difference.
Jesus had compassion on everyone he met; He is our example.
We are to distribute the things we have out of love.
When you give, give as you're giving unto God.
From whatever attitude you give is the same from which you will receive.

705 11272011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Living Water" John 4:13-15

The woman was at Jacob's Well.
Water in Samria was a high commodity.
The woman at the well had high appreciation for the well. She had provided water for her family throug this well.
Jesus tells her there is a better way, through the living water, which he would provide.
Jesus would give her living water so she would never thrist again.
Water is necessary to sustain life.
Jesus is the lving water.
Religion will not bring contentment, only disappointment.
When we have the Holy Spirit in us, we have the well of life in us.
Jesus is ALL we need.
Worship is to be done in Spirit and in truth.
The benefit of this is absolute contentment.

704 11272011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Let God Sort 'Em" 2 Peter 2:9

In 2 Peter we find a lot of admonition to be diligent about the purity of the Gospel and vigilant about heretics. Peter reminds us that the Word of God is not subservient to anyone’s opinions or beliefs. It will not be altered to match your lifestyle or twisted to allow your fleshly desires or lusts. It is God’s Word not a cunningly devised fable or cleverly planned program that needs to be adjusted as times and people change. God’s Word is the infallible standard by which all men may be made whole and come into right standing with a Holy God. It continues to sustain a right fellowship with this Holy God when it is applied as written.
One of the greatest tragedies of our time is the infiltration of false teachers who carry away unsuspecting souls with feigned words (empty phrases), promising an easier way to righteousness through their own lusts. Their judgment is soon to fall upon them.
Examples of His Judgment:
The Angels that sinned – cast down to hell in chains
    The old world of the ungodly – overflowed with water
    Sodom and Gomorrha – fire from heaven
But He also knows how to deliver the righteous from judgment:
    The Angels that sinned NOT
    Noah and his family
    Lot and his family
The temptation is often to conform to what sounds religious and is also current with the times. There often appears to be validation for new ways when the crowds are growing and everyone is speaking well of the new way.
The goal is to be conformed to His Word not to conform His Word to our wants. (Any old fish can float downstream) We must resist the temptation, God will deliver us and we shall escape the condemnation of the ungodly.
Come to Christ today .. Just as you are and receive the miracle of justification. Those of us who are His children … repent today of our attempts to conform His way to fit our desires and receive the miracle of forgiveness and restoration. The Lord knows how to deliver and how to judge!!!!

703 11202011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Sustaining Power of God" 1 Kings 17:8-16

God had made a commitment.
If you do what God has told you to do, He'll carry you through.
The woman at Zarepath only had enough for one last cake; however, when she honored God that barrel never did go empty.

702 11202011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Great Shepherd's Sheep" Psalm 23:1-6

There are three distinct conclusions that David draws about his Great Shepherd that gives him great consolation and confidence that:
1) His Provision. He shall no lack of anything that is for his good. As His sheep we are to fully rely upon God for all our provision. We must know and follow our Shepherd’s voice. We should be inoffensive, meek and quiet, silent before the shearers and the even before the butcher too placing supreme trust in the Shepherd that if even our lives are required, He knows what’s best.  The implication is: “I shall be supplied with whatever I need; and, if I have not every thing I desire, I may conclude it is either not fit for me or not good for me or I shall have it in due time.”
2) His Protection. By the very presence of the Great and Caring Shepherd, His sheep have no fear of any evil that could befall them.
    1. They are Well Placed (lie down in green pastures) Sufficient and convenient for the sheep’s best.
    2. They are Well Guided (leads me beside still waters and in paths of righteousness) refreshing and strengthening to walk after His example of surrender.
    3. They are Well Received (restoreth my soul) When I’ve stumbled and fell, whether it be by my own design or by the snare of the enemy, He is quick to receive me back into the fold and encourage me to keep my duty to my Shepherd.
    4. They are Well Protected (fear no evil) His Presence chases evil.
    5. They are Well Comforted (thy rod and staff) the rod that reminds us of being His sheep (sonship) and the staff that rescues cast down sheep.
3) His Providence. What I have has been provided by my Shepherd in spite of those, mine enemies, who would rather destroy me. I am blessed and highly favored. In fact I have an abundance. (cup runneth over). Looking back over my life I see that He has been faithful and I declare that He will continue to bless me until the day that I enter into His presence for all eternity. (like the provision of the manna in the wilderness).

701 11162011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "It's the Word" 2 Timothy 4:1-4

The most important work of the church is to maintain the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. It is vital that all ministers should know that this work is overseen by the Great Judge Himself. The Word of God must never suffer compromise. It’s not about any man’s opinion, ideas or beliefs, it is the simple, straight forward truth of scripture that must be preached in sincerity.
In season is opportunely and out of season is inopportunely.
Reprove is to convict.
Rebuke is to charge.
Exhort is to comfort.
Longsuffering is Fortitude
Doctrine is Instruction.
This is not only the work of the church to reach out to those who are lost in this world, but also the work of the ministers of Christ to reach those that are lost within the church. And then we are to continue by reason of the same Word that brought us into Salvation. The power of the true believer is wrapped up in the power of the Word of God. We cannot and must not allow the Word to become as a fairy tale but exalt it as the standard by which we live and have our being.
Study the word to show thyself approved unto God. Know your Bible and live by it.

700 11132011Eve

Paul needed to be reminded that he was just a man.
We often expect too much of ourselves. When we stumble we are reminded that we are human; however, that doesn't mean we stay in sin.
We need to remember that even if we think we won't fall back into sin, we need to be careful because we are human and we do stumble.
The Lord said His grace is sufficent. God may not remove our burden, but His strength will carry us through.
When everything seems to be coming against us, God's strength is made stronger in our weakness.
When we're weak, we need to be lean heavily on God.
It's okay to hurt, to cry, to stumble, to be weak; however, it's in these times that we need to rely on God more.
In the times of trials and tribulations, we need ot lean on the heavenly Father.
Everything that goes wrong in our life goes through God's hands, and it is for our good.
God will use our trials, our faults and failures, to glorify Him.

699 11132011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Prepare Their Hearts" 1 Chronicles 29:2-18

698 11062011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Covenant" Joshua 24:15

A reiteration of the commitment to serve the Lord God to the next generation. It is of necessity to call each generation to this covenant.
Seem Evil = displeases you for it seems to be good for nothing.
Choose = pick or select one. Stop pretending to be a Christian while serving someone else.
Serve = to work or labor
There is in essence a call for the next generation to rise up and covenant to work or labor for the Lord. It is not enough to simply adopt the faith of our fathers in word as we sit and refuse to labor for the Lord. Our children and our children’s children must consider the covenant for themselves.
He is indeed our God and we have in deed served Him with our Labor but we must present this opportunity to the next generation. It is their decision.
Teach them the way that they should go and then require them to choose this God as their’s.
If He is too old fashioned for you. Then choose who you will serve, but as for me….

697 11062011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Walking Dead" Ephesians 2:1-3

A walking dead man is not a Zombie as is now portrayed in movies and popular TV series. A walking dead man is however very real. They are among us.
When a prisoner has a verdict of death passed upon him by a judge, he is said to be a walking dead man. Even a man of the street may offend a gangster and he may pronounce him to be a walking dead man. This simply means that death for you is inevitable (unavoidable) and until the fulfillment of the pronouncement, you are living and walking, but you are as good as already dead. That is the certainty and inescapableness of your condition.
Eph 2:1  And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
Eph 2:2  Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Eph 2:3  Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Dead because:
    They are under the condemnation of the law.
    They are empty of any attributes of spiritual life.
    They are taken captive by the Prince of the Power of the Air (Satan) to do his bidding
    They are children of disobedience: it is their nature to be in rebellion against God (they are of their father the devil)
Their walk:
    Is apart from God (dead is separated from God who is life)
    Is sinful by thought and trespasses by actions
    Is in accordance to the mindset of this world.
    Is dictated by their master (satan)
    Is by nature contrary to God (disobedient)
    To fulfill the lusts of their flesh (not the will of God) by acts and by lifestyle.
    Is wrathful (unchained passion; anger, vengeance, violence…)
Their solution is to receive the pardon of the Great Judge as was purchased by the blood of Christ Jesus. Just going to church, reading your Bible, praying, giving tithes and offerings, witnessing… is not enough o set you free and give you eternal life. You must repent (turn from death and turn to life)
Choose Life and live.

696 11022011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "For the People" John 11:43-53
At the raising of Lazarus were many Jews… many believed on Jesus but some went and told what had been done to the Pharisees who immediately took counsel with the chief priest to seek how to silence this man Jesus.
Caiaphas the high Priest (that year) in arrogance took it out of the council’s hand and decreed that for the preservation of the Jewish tradition and the nation that Jesus must die.
His death was meant to destroy Christianity but instead it gave birth to it. His death came to spiritually save not only Believing Jews but also all whosoever will place trust in His sacrificial death.
Your tongue is not your own.