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Monday, December 12, 2011

698 11062011Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Covenant" Joshua 24:15

A reiteration of the commitment to serve the Lord God to the next generation. It is of necessity to call each generation to this covenant.
Seem Evil = displeases you for it seems to be good for nothing.
Choose = pick or select one. Stop pretending to be a Christian while serving someone else.
Serve = to work or labor
There is in essence a call for the next generation to rise up and covenant to work or labor for the Lord. It is not enough to simply adopt the faith of our fathers in word as we sit and refuse to labor for the Lord. Our children and our children’s children must consider the covenant for themselves.
He is indeed our God and we have in deed served Him with our Labor but we must present this opportunity to the next generation. It is their decision.
Teach them the way that they should go and then require them to choose this God as their’s.
If He is too old fashioned for you. Then choose who you will serve, but as for me….

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