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Monday, December 12, 2011

704 11272011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Let God Sort 'Em" 2 Peter 2:9

In 2 Peter we find a lot of admonition to be diligent about the purity of the Gospel and vigilant about heretics. Peter reminds us that the Word of God is not subservient to anyone’s opinions or beliefs. It will not be altered to match your lifestyle or twisted to allow your fleshly desires or lusts. It is God’s Word not a cunningly devised fable or cleverly planned program that needs to be adjusted as times and people change. God’s Word is the infallible standard by which all men may be made whole and come into right standing with a Holy God. It continues to sustain a right fellowship with this Holy God when it is applied as written.
One of the greatest tragedies of our time is the infiltration of false teachers who carry away unsuspecting souls with feigned words (empty phrases), promising an easier way to righteousness through their own lusts. Their judgment is soon to fall upon them.
Examples of His Judgment:
The Angels that sinned – cast down to hell in chains
    The old world of the ungodly – overflowed with water
    Sodom and Gomorrha – fire from heaven
But He also knows how to deliver the righteous from judgment:
    The Angels that sinned NOT
    Noah and his family
    Lot and his family
The temptation is often to conform to what sounds religious and is also current with the times. There often appears to be validation for new ways when the crowds are growing and everyone is speaking well of the new way.
The goal is to be conformed to His Word not to conform His Word to our wants. (Any old fish can float downstream) We must resist the temptation, God will deliver us and we shall escape the condemnation of the ungodly.
Come to Christ today .. Just as you are and receive the miracle of justification. Those of us who are His children … repent today of our attempts to conform His way to fit our desires and receive the miracle of forgiveness and restoration. The Lord knows how to deliver and how to judge!!!!

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