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Monday, December 12, 2011

708 12072011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Our Escape" Hebrews 2:1-4

We must strive daily to give the utmost attention to the Gospel. Our inattentiveness will allow the precious gift of God to slip from our countenance. Some may say I used to know the Bible well. Or I used to go on visitation or I used to teach Sunday School or play an instrument or sing or ________. Inattentiveness to the gift of God in our lives may allow that precious gift to slip and we will then be forced to seek another way to find forgiveness, mercy, grace, salvation, direction for living, fellowship with God. Its words are never changing and its judgment is sure and true.
This Great Salvation is great because of its all inclusiveness, its non respecter of persons and its everlasting quality. Jesus fist revealed to us this new covenant and those that were transformed by it are evidence and witnesses to its inspiration.
Even the Father confirmed the words of our Savior with signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost to ratify its authority.
Just neglect or be careless with this great salvation and you will find that all other roads lead away from God. Our Escape is His plan that has been carefully laid out for us in full. Our responsibility is to receive it with the utmost care.

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