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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

712 12252011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "A Savior" Luke 2:1-20

Unto you = all mankind. He is not just King Of The Jews nor is He a Jewish God. He is the savior of the world.
Savior = deliverer (to set free the captive.
Christ = anointed. The Lord’s anointed. The chosen one. There is no other.
This is the central theme of the occasion of the birth of Jesus and it is still the central theme of the Christmas season. A deliverer has come to save whosoever will call upon Him. He delivers from the penalty of sin, he delivers from the ramifications of sin, the stigma of sin, the power of sin, and eventually the very presence of sin.
All the world is judged by God the Righteous Judge and is found guilty of transgressing His Law by sin. The penalty of being a sinner is eternal separation from God and His Holiness. The only hope for mankind is a Savior. Someone who is not infected with sin and yet is willing to pay the price for all sinners. Someone who will bear the sins of the whole world and will earn the right to eternal life by His own righteousness. Then the Judge can impute the penalty for sin onto this Savior and the Righteousness of this Savior will be imputed onto the sinners if only both parties agree.
Have you agreed? Do you know that you need a Savior? Have you received the free gift of Eternal Life, bought and paid for in full by the blood of Jesus Christ? If not, then unto you is born this day… a Savior which is Christ the Lord.

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