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Monday, December 12, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Great Shepherd's Sheep" Psalm 23:1-6

There are three distinct conclusions that David draws about his Great Shepherd that gives him great consolation and confidence that:
1) His Provision. He shall no lack of anything that is for his good. As His sheep we are to fully rely upon God for all our provision. We must know and follow our Shepherd’s voice. We should be inoffensive, meek and quiet, silent before the shearers and the even before the butcher too placing supreme trust in the Shepherd that if even our lives are required, He knows what’s best.  The implication is: “I shall be supplied with whatever I need; and, if I have not every thing I desire, I may conclude it is either not fit for me or not good for me or I shall have it in due time.”
2) His Protection. By the very presence of the Great and Caring Shepherd, His sheep have no fear of any evil that could befall them.
    1. They are Well Placed (lie down in green pastures) Sufficient and convenient for the sheep’s best.
    2. They are Well Guided (leads me beside still waters and in paths of righteousness) refreshing and strengthening to walk after His example of surrender.
    3. They are Well Received (restoreth my soul) When I’ve stumbled and fell, whether it be by my own design or by the snare of the enemy, He is quick to receive me back into the fold and encourage me to keep my duty to my Shepherd.
    4. They are Well Protected (fear no evil) His Presence chases evil.
    5. They are Well Comforted (thy rod and staff) the rod that reminds us of being His sheep (sonship) and the staff that rescues cast down sheep.
3) His Providence. What I have has been provided by my Shepherd in spite of those, mine enemies, who would rather destroy me. I am blessed and highly favored. In fact I have an abundance. (cup runneth over). Looking back over my life I see that He has been faithful and I declare that He will continue to bless me until the day that I enter into His presence for all eternity. (like the provision of the manna in the wilderness).

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