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Monday, December 12, 2011

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "It's the Word" 2 Timothy 4:1-4

The most important work of the church is to maintain the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. It is vital that all ministers should know that this work is overseen by the Great Judge Himself. The Word of God must never suffer compromise. It’s not about any man’s opinion, ideas or beliefs, it is the simple, straight forward truth of scripture that must be preached in sincerity.
In season is opportunely and out of season is inopportunely.
Reprove is to convict.
Rebuke is to charge.
Exhort is to comfort.
Longsuffering is Fortitude
Doctrine is Instruction.
This is not only the work of the church to reach out to those who are lost in this world, but also the work of the ministers of Christ to reach those that are lost within the church. And then we are to continue by reason of the same Word that brought us into Salvation. The power of the true believer is wrapped up in the power of the Word of God. We cannot and must not allow the Word to become as a fairy tale but exalt it as the standard by which we live and have our being.
Study the word to show thyself approved unto God. Know your Bible and live by it.

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