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Thursday, December 15, 2011

710 12142011Wed

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Don't Touch the Three G's" Joshua 7, Daniel 4:27, & 2 Samuel 11

The Gold:
    Achan had touch the gold. God had told the children of Israel to take nothing from Jericho.
    The gold was consecrated unto the house of the Lord.
    Achan's sin cost the life of 36 men as well as Achan's family and Achan himself.
    Because of Achan's sin, Israel lost the battle of Ai.
The Glory:
    Nebuchadnezzar took the Glory for the kingdom which God had given him.
    Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which Daniel interpreted to mean that his kingdom would be taken from him if he took the glory for himself. 12 months later he declared the glory for himself, and God took the kingdom from him.    Nebuchadnezzar went crazy for 7 years. He lived in the fields eathing grass like the oxen and no man could approach him.
    Stealing the glory will cost you.
The Girls:
    David had wives and concubines, yet he took another man's wife.
    David had Uriah killed and married his wife, Bathsheba after she became pregnant.
    Bathsheba bore David a son. His son became sick and God took the life of their child as judgment for sin.
    Sin cost David his child.
    After David had repented, God restored favor unto David.
    After David repented David and Bathsheba had a son named Solomon, who later became the wisest king of Israel.
Don't touch the Gold, the Glory, or the Girls.
No matter where you've been or what you've done--God allows u-turns.
After all three of the men in these stories repented, favor was restored.

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