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Monday, December 12, 2011

700 11132011Eve

Paul needed to be reminded that he was just a man.
We often expect too much of ourselves. When we stumble we are reminded that we are human; however, that doesn't mean we stay in sin.
We need to remember that even if we think we won't fall back into sin, we need to be careful because we are human and we do stumble.
The Lord said His grace is sufficent. God may not remove our burden, but His strength will carry us through.
When everything seems to be coming against us, God's strength is made stronger in our weakness.
When we're weak, we need to be lean heavily on God.
It's okay to hurt, to cry, to stumble, to be weak; however, it's in these times that we need to rely on God more.
In the times of trials and tribulations, we need ot lean on the heavenly Father.
Everything that goes wrong in our life goes through God's hands, and it is for our good.
God will use our trials, our faults and failures, to glorify Him.

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