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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

711 12182011Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Joseph's Side of the Story" Matthew 1:18-25

Mary was espoused to Joseph. To be espoused was for all intents and purposes a marriage contract. By the law, Joseph and Mary were already married.
Mary was found with the child of the Holy Ghost.
Joseph was thinking about divorce. Joseph that she was unfaithful.
Joseph was "a just man" which meant he had a right spirit. Joseph had the love of God in Him. Joseph didn't want to make a public example of Mary.
The punishment of Mary being pregnant would have been her being stoned, because in her condition the nation of Israel would have thought she was unfaithful and Joseph didn't want her to be punished. So, he took the blame on himself.
Joseph, out of faith and love, took Mary for his bride and bore the reproach for Mary's condition.
Joseph is an example of Christ. Christ bore our sin on the cross.
Joseph had a vision where an Angel told him not to be afraid of to take Mary as his wife. Joseph was obedient by doing so, and he showed great trust in God. He wanted God's will for his life first.
Jesus-Jehovah saves
The angel told Joseph to keep his commitment.
God wanted to show himself in this situation.
God will reveal himself in difficult times.
Emmanuel: God with us. God incarnated in the flesh with us.
Jesus came to earth so He could be our example, bear our reproach, sin and infirmities.
Jesus also felt the darkness of sin, because when He bore our sin on the cross, he was separated from the Father.

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