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Friday, February 10, 2012

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Altogether Lovely" Song of Solomon 5:8-16

The bride elicits all the daughters of Jerusalem to search for this lover of her soul for she is love sick for Him. The daughters marvel that one as fair as the bride would not just take another lover. “What is so special about this beloved of yours?” Mine is the fairest of ten thousand. Her continued description of Him entices the daughters to desire to seek after Him. For the bride gives an unparalleled description of her beloved. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Many of this world cannot comprehend the great beauty that we perceive in our beloved Savior until they see Him as their Beloved also.
His mouth is most sweet. Her description is of one who is flawless and yet she cherishes His mouth most of all. His lips are sweet for the words that He speaks to and of His beloved bride. Truly He is Altogether Lovely…(in every whit perfect, without flaw) and He is more than my lover … He is my friend.

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