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Sunday, February 12, 2012

732 02122012Morn

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "From Wrath To Favor" I John 4:10

Love comes from God. God loved us and gave his Son to be the propitiation.
Real love is unconditional. It does not ask for anything in return.
Our love today, our human kind of love, is conditional of what we can get in return.
Propitiation: to facilitate the way to pay for our sins. he stepped between us and judgement.
A just God must judge sins. We are enemies of God until we accept the sacrifice; because, of the propitiation we are turned from the wrath God and we are now under his blessings.
There is a price tag to love. Love requires giving.
God loved us so much that He gave His son to die for us. Jesus bore the sin of the whole world. Jesus was the only one who didn't sin, because Jesus became sin, he became separate from God.
The penalty of sin has been paid for because of his son. We have the right to reject his gift of love, but we can't turn away His love.
God is not willing that anyone should perish.
He will never turn his back on us.
This gift is absolutely free. It does not cost us anything.
Loving God will cost us.
Love always gives, it never takes.
We are to leave our old master and cling to God.
Because of the love he has given us, we willing start laying things down that separate us from the father.
We should want to lay down part of our lives willingly.

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