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Friday, February 10, 2012

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Reasons" Luke 14:16-24

It’s always easy to find a reason to reject. Reasons or excuses aren’t new and always fall into one of the three categories (Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life). I heard excuses or reasons all the time why people cannot come.
God is the “certain man” v16. The Holy Spirit is His servant v17. Your reasons why you cannot come anger the Master v21. He commands that we move with urgency and bring in the outcast of this world, even whosoever will.
Notice the definite article statement of our Lord in v 24: none which were bidden shall taste of my supper! This confirms that rejection of the Holy Spirit is the “Unpardonable Sin”. Reasons or excuses not to go are easy to come by, do you know why? The Enemy, Satan, will be glad to offer you an unlimited supply of reasons. Maybe you will come later? No so according to the Master v24. Many reasons not to come, only one reason that you should; He has called you v17.

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