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Friday, February 10, 2012

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "Hate Your Family" Luke 14:25-27

God doesn’t measure spirituality by numbers. A large crowd does not mean more spiritual and a smaller crowd doesn’t indicate less spiritual. Actually it is easier to pretend to be spiritual in the larger crowd. Anyone can get caught up by the masses and the enthusiasm that is generated by the multitudes and then find yourself just following along on the fringes of the crowd but not willing to surrender what is necessary to be a disciple (learner).
Hate vs love. This is a part of speech known as hyperbole (exaggeration to illustrate a point; like mile-high ice cream cone). Jesus certainly did not literally mean for us to hate our family in order to be His disciple for He tells us in Luke 6:27 to “love our enemies”. What He is referring to is what we love most! In Col 1:18 we are told “that in all things he might have the preeminence” (first place). In other words, the greater love that we have for Jesus will be of such priority that our love for our family will compare as if it were hatred although it be great love.
Then He even goes so far as to touch the sacred ground of our own lives (will). He says that we must hate our own life in comparison to the love that we have for Jesus. If this is not the case – you can not be His disciple.
Bear (carry) his cross is to take the walk of death. The only way to Life is through Death.

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