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Thursday, February 23, 2012

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Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "He Rescued Me" Ephesians 1:4-5

Natural parents don’t get to choose, they get what they get.
God chose me! Before the world was formed, He had planned this adoption plan. According to the good pleasure of His will. The rights of my former father were terminated. Both the fellowship and the relationship were disrupted and my new relationship and fellowship began.
Sharon and Rick did nothing to deserve my love. There were no requirements made of either of them to warrant becoming my children. I chose them, I met the legal and moral requirements, I paid the price, the judge asked the children if they would accept me as their daddy. All they did want receive my offer to bring them into my family. Since that day they have had my name, I have been responsible for their care and actions. Discipline came with sonship. Sometimes fellowship has worn thin but relationship remained unchanged. So what if they fail to please me?
Unadopting a Child
Many states allow a parent to legally unadopt a child. If an adoption ends before it's legally finalized, it's called a disruption. If an adoption is overturned by a judge after it's been legally finalized, it's called a dissolution.
The reversing of an adoption is controlled by state law. Most states frown upon the unadoption of children. They may require parents to try every option available first. These options can include therapy, a change in medications and treatment programs.
Courts will usually require parents to prove that reversing the adoption is in the best interests of the child. They may even require parents to prove they're unfit or that the child is a danger before a reversal is given. Parents won't be granted a reversal simply because they don't feel like taking care of the child anymore.
They don’t have to care about pleasing me to stay in my family but they want to be pleasing because of the love that we share that was initiated by me.

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