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Sunday, February 12, 2012

733 02122012Eve

Pastor Richard "Buddy" Wimberly "The Strength Of The Law" Romans 5:12-14, I Corinthians 15:56

Sin came by Adam. Righteousness comes by Jesus Christ. We are sinners because of Adam.
Everyone that came after Adam were imputed with sin. Adam was the representative of man kind.
The law became the measurement. Before the law, it was up to our own self judgement. The law became the standard.
We cannot live up to the law. The standard of God's righteousness is too far for us to me good enough.
Salvation isn't based on us. It's based on him.
Adam is a foreshadow of Jesus. Both were representatives for human kind. Jesus fulfilled the law.
Nothing we can do can make us righteous just like we didn't become sinners on our own.
The grace of God covered it.

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